
The new people at work, they're always encouraged to join the committees. That's because they haven't been there long enough to become cynical and apathetic.

Also, it's unlikely they're going to have any unpleasant history with anybody else who might be on the committee.

See, Jeffrey, he's like Mary Richards in the first two seasons of the Mary Tyler Moore show. Everybody loves him. He's always pleasant.

Let's face it. He can turn the world on with his smile! There. I said it.

But anyway, whatever activity Jeffrey's committee (which, for the record, is the Staff Enrichment Committee) is in charge of, I end up participating in the activity because Jeffrey is my buddy.

And that can be awkward because I'm Lou Grant.

And anyway the activity today was a lunch hour craft fair.

Well, what do I know from crafts? Jeffrey he makes pottery, but me? I don't crochet. I don't make jewelry. I don't make dried apple people or macaroni art.

So I invented my own craft. I take ordinary household objects and glamorize them. I call it GlamCraft.

And I sold almost all my stuff! I was so surprised. This could catch on this GlamCraft. I think it could be the new macramé.

I honestly could see myself moving to Manhattan and opening my own GlamCraft boutique.

Wait. Would that make me Rhoda?

Kurt "big daddy" True
17 november 2005


Napkin holder

Napkin holder


Craft Table