Orange you excited?

The response to the exposé on Sacramento Capital Mall citrus thievery has been overwhelming.

In keeping with my commitment to journalist excellence, I've uploaded some additional photos of the Smith-Fagan family's bold daylight crime spree.

And not only that. I put up a Quicktime video. That's the funny looking thumbnail that looks like a Quicktime video screen.

Yeah, my digital camera takes video, but this is the first video I've ever put on the site.

What can I say? It's taken me a while to get the hang of all the features on the camera.

What can I say? Aside from databases, I'm not real technical. I don't have a cell phone, I don't know how to set the cruise control on the car, and I've never even touched the "frappé" setting on my blender.

Kurt "big daddy" True
22 november 2005

a video

Eamon with ball


Ice Cream
