Whole lotta candles!

Talk about hoisted by my own petard!

Last month I was decrying Tony's habit of dragging out his birthday celebration for weeks on end. This month, my friends and family just won't let my birthday die!

First, Tony and I road tripped down to Los Angeles with Jeffrey to see King Tut at the L.A. County Museum of Art. Then, no sooner do I get back home, but the floor where I work, as a matter of department policy, observes my birthday with a costco cake and a card. Then on Veteran's Day, Jeffrey comes over to the house with a pink ice cream cake from Cold Stone, and then we called up the Teenager and we all went out to Chevy's for fajitas.

Then last weekend, Tony and I were in Sacramento, and Kevin and Nancy and the kids gave me my birthday present, a Winnie the Pooh tie and keychain.

THEN I'm up in Sebastopol visiting my family yesterday, and they haul out another pink cake!

Here we are at the first Sunday of Advent, and I'm not sure if my birthday is over yet. I swear I barely noticed Thanksgiving going by. I don't think the Major League Baseball Postseason lasted this long.

Next year I'm gonna owe Tony big time! Probably have to take him to Disneyworld or something.

Kurt "big daddy" True
27 november 2005

Kurt with tie

King Tut

Strawberry Shortcake




pink slice

pink cake
